We also recommend every 4-5 weeks, to keep that glass lustre and shine, use a environmentally friendly after coating ‘Glass Shine’. Easy to use- apply to a damp sponge (crushed walnut sponge) wipe onto the glass, let it soak away for 3-5mins, it literally dissolves any build up on the glass before your eyes, simply rinse off and wipe away the excess water. And you will maintain that shiny new glass look for years to come.
1 X SHOWER -normal staining to glass/clean and apply GLASS GUARD $275.00 INC GST
2 X SHOWERS -normal staining to glass/clean and apply GLASS GUARD $520.00 inc gst
3X SHOWERS normal staining to glass/clean and apply GLASS GUARD $740.00 in gst
Heavy Stained Shower Glass will take extra time, we will asses on the spot if the glass is recoverable to a new finish and give you an estimate based on the time to rejuvenate the glass.
Please note that some glas is beyond help, and may need replacing, i
We also sell other glass cleaners, sponges, micro fibre cloths, steel wools, scourers, squeegees and surface sprays, ask our staff if you would like to see the list or purchase some products. Our products can be purchased on line or at our
-Sick of water stained glass in your showers, -calcium, lime and mineral growth on the glass, -Hard to get rid of scaling,
-Sick of spending hours cleaning the shower
-over the fumes and toxic air f 4m ammonia cleaners and solvents
Well let us do the work for you!
We will come to your house, clean your shower back to new looking glass, then apply a nan okote glass guard to the glass, which will make cleaning your shower 90% easier every time No more chemicals, No more harsh scrubbing, No more sore back from polishing the glass,
and save $$$$ every month when you get soot’s to rejuvenate your shower glass for you.
All you will need is a microfiber cloth or rubber squeegee, after each time the shower is used, simply wipe off the excess water, no need to polish dry , walk away come back in 15 mins, and your shower will be looking new all the time.
Sooty’s Promotional Products
4/26 Leda BIv Morayfield Qtd
Ph:- (07) 5498 3136
Nanokote :
Now that the glass panels are coated, the product will start to repel calcium, lime and mineral build up, stopping the black fungi and mould from forming to the glass—
As the product begins to work, you must remember that it is not a ‘Self Cleaning’ product. It still requires assistance in order for it to work at its best.
-Periodic cleaning and maintenance is recommended, cleaning the glass surface(coated) with a mild soap detergent and brooming or sponging any derby or dirt build up off the surface will help the product maintain its performance.
Products to use- Enviro green cleaning products, any good brand (non-Harsh) glass cleaners, vinegar-based products/natural
AVOID—Using any ammonia based, harsh solvents such as ” Acidic Or Alkaline” based products,
They will not remove the coating, but pro-long term use will weaken the layer of coating and shorten its performance period.
Any Further questions Contact Sooty’s. PI (07) 5498 3136